Contact Sport In Sutton!
This website is the web presence of the Sutton Coldfield Community Sports & Physical Activity Network (CSPAN).
Its role is to develop, signpost and promote the excellent sports provision within Sutton Coldfield and enable residents and visitors to benefit from not only the health benefits of regular sport but the social and community benefits as well!
The Committee is compiled with representation from the Council including local Councillors and representatives of all the major Sutton sports associations and clubs.
The synergy achieved by this group have help the promotion of sport and directed funding to achieve significant improvements to access and the promotion of sport in the town.
If you wish to contact the CSPAN if it is a web based issue then please.
Or if it concerns the CSPAN itself then contact Jane as below:
- Contact: Jane Sixsmith
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Phone: 0121 303 9490
- Address: Sutton Coldfield Constituency Office. Sutton Coldfield Town Hall Annexe. Upper Clifton Road. Sutton Coldfield. B73 6AB.
- Part Time: Tuesday/ Wednesday / Thursday
- Link: